I think this will be very useful to you.From this trick we can add google docs to our right click context menu very decently.He...
When we open the My computer, we can see hard disk partitions, pen drives etc.Default icons of those are like below picture. Everyd...
ආදර සැමරුම් කැටිවූ නෙතු කඳුළින් මුතු පබළු නිමා කළෙමි සිහිවටනය යමුනා තීරේ .. යමුනා තීරේ එවන් නිමල මැදුර බලා වඩින්න දේ...
තුන් හෙළේ කැලෑ තුල සිංහ පැටවු නැත උන් රට අතැර ගොසින් කොටු කර යදැලින් ඇති සිංහ පැටවු විලි වැද යති දැක හෙළයන්...
Enable IMAP in Gmail. Don't forget to click Save Changes when you're done. Open Outlook. For new setups, select Do not u...
Every Times when we Hear a mp3 Song, we see a Background Image/Picture is Showing on Our Media Player, These Images are called Album Arts,...
Overclocking a computer's processor or memory causes it to go faster than its factory rated speed. A processor rated a...
First of all Download this software Open the resource folder and double click reshacker File > Open > Local Disk(C)...
Today I am going to teach you something special.As we know, when we create a shortcut in computer, we can see an arrow beloow the icon li...
"God Mode" simply provides users with a centralized Control Panel for all of Windows' settings, from changing your de...